Monday 16 July 2012


For this week's phonics advanced session, children had learned about “things on earth”.
They have to draw natural things on our mother earth.
Most of the children thought that stars, sun and moon are within our mother earth.
Because from their point of view, something that they can see means is things around them.
I did explain to them that Moon, Sun and stars are beyond the earth.
So far, they understand what earth is and what things in their surroundings.
And they able to give me lot examples as well. Good Job

In storytelling session, the children had learned about bicycle, and they also shared with teachers about their bicycle such colour of their bicycle, who bought for them, how to ride the bicycle.
In game session, I let them played memory games, and you act I talk game.
In memory game, I just want to train their memory and focus.
In you act I talk game, it can train children to have proper interaction with friends and encourage them to interact more in English.

In Reading session, we had learned about “Being friends”.
This session, children had to share something about their friends, such like their name, their age, how they become best friends, their hobby, and their friend’s characteristic.
Through this topic, we can know whether children understand their friends or not, and also how’s good is their socializing skills with others.
Children shared lot things about their best friends.
Great work children!!  

can you guess what is this?


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