Wednesday 31 October 2012


In our advanced phonics, children learned about “transportation”.

They also learned 10 different types of transportation and the sound of each transport (train, airplane, rocket, boat, motorcycle, bicycle and so forth).

In the activity session, I split them into 2 group where they have to write the name of transportation on the white board correctly.

While in story reading session, children learned about “school” and the teacher did explain to them what is the function of school and when the school system started in this world.

In addition, we did explain to them why in the ancient time, girls were not allowed to go to the school.

In the game session, children have to list down things that they know in the school.

In reading session, the children also learned about “school” article. Before we started the class, each of them have to list down things that they know in the school, the spelling must be all correct.

After that, each of them have to read the article one by one and they have to guess the unfamiliar words’ meaning.

During activity session,  the children have to describe what will happen if the school never invented?

In the game session, we played a very simple vocabulary game. 

The children have to think a word and the other children have to give another word based on the last alphabets given just now. 

For example, eat, the last alphabets is t, so the children have to give word beginning with t, such like ten, nine, elephant, they, young.  

Through this activity, we want to train their focus, responsiveness and also their English vocabulary.

Today is their last session with raffles edu world. 

as a punishment, he had to dance in front. 

they were having their group discussion. 

they wrote the answers on the while board.

Rolep play session


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