Wednesday 27 June 2012


In our phonics advanced session, children had learned another new thing – Emotions.

They had learned how to differentiate different types of emotion such like happy, sad, angry, guilty, frightened, guilty, confident, bored, anxious and confused.

Each of them must show teacher their different type of emotions.

Through this activity, we want them to recognize dissimilar categories of emotions, so they can express all the feeling in the different situation.

Usually, children know the basic emotion such like sad, happy and angry. 

But for others emotions such like guilty, anxious, confused, they have difficulty to recognize it. 

This is not meant that they are not smart enough, but due to they could not recognize different of emotions. 

They have feeling, but they do not know how to express their feelings. 

In the story telling, session, they learned about their family.

Usually, children will confuse the relationship between nephews, nieces and cousins.

They just used very simple words, “they are my relatives” to differentiate their family members statuses.

In the activity sessions, children have to draw their family members' faces. Yeah, they did very good job, I like their drawings.

Some of them told me that they did not know how to draw all faces, but after teacher guide them how to draw in simple ways, they able to make it.

In the sharing session, they have to share their family’s story, such like about their parents, siblings, what are their family’s hobbies, where they live and so on. 


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